CIGRE Australia
Join ALBEDO in Cairns, Queensland, Australia. CIGRE, a global technical forum, is organising this symposium which will focus on the integrated power system and its transformation through new technologies such as IEC-61850.
CAIRNS SEPT/4-7/2023
The end2end Electricity System
The theme of the symposium is the end-to-end power system: transition, development, operation and integration. The symposium will focus on the integrated power system and the transition to the power system of the future. It will seek to identify what can be learned from experience and current developments in the power system, and what changes are needed to move towards a sustainable power system.
These issues are particularly relevant as the world moves to transition the power industry to a lower carbon future. This transition affects all aspects of the power system, from end-user loads, through transmission and distribution networks, to the largest generators. Solutions will require new technologies, complemented by innovative ideas to optimise the balance between load and generation. The timing of this global symposium is therefore very timely and will allow participants to discuss how different countries are tackling these issues from both a technical and economic perspective.
The four-day international event will involve eleven of CIGRE’s sixteen Study Committees and more than forty working group meetings. There will therefore be many opportunities to engage with the experts involved in these technical challenges.
Fig 1. Discover the latest resources for PTP, NTP and IRIG-B testing