International Timing Sync Forum 23
The International Time and Sync Forum one of the world' largest timing and sync event and a who’s who of the timing and sync community. Good opportunity to meet ALBEDO and know pioneering solutions as PTP/NTP/IRIGB Testers, Clocks and WAN emulators.
ALBEDO is OPAL sponsor at ITSF
An unrivalled timing company that manufactures key solutions and demonstrates thought leadership to the people that matter.
About ITSF
The International Timing and Sync Forum (ITSF) is the largest timing and sync conference and exhibition in the world, gathering the global industry under one roof for three days of critical discussion, solution showcasing and networking. Renowned for the high number of end user and operator speakers and attendees, and featuring engaging speakers from equipment vendors, manufacturers and standards bodies, this is a who’s who of the timing and sync community that you won’t find anywhere else.
Both the presentations and exhibition showcase the latest time and synchronisation solutions, advances and challenges in 5G, Finance, Broadcast, Automotive, Smart Grids, IoT, Datacenters, Industrial Automation, Navigation, Transport and Defence, as well as many other existing and emerging vertical markets for which precise timing and sync is becoming increasingly important.
Our team of experts and esteemed partner from ALBEDO will be available throughout the event to introduce you to our range of innovative solutions.
Fig 1. Discover the latest resources for PTP, NTP and IRIG-B testing