SGTech Week 2023, meet us

ALBEDO will participate in this annual event about the electricity business that is driving grid innovation under increased regulatory pressure, intense cybersecurity threat, and rapidly rising demand for renewables integration.


Meet us in Amsterdam 

The 4th annual SGTech Week 2023 brings together 150+ utility Substation, SCADA System, Utility Telecom and Cybersecurity colleagues, for a review of the latest smart grid implementation projects and innovation roadmaps. The week-long programme combines a series of Standardisation workshops, with C’level plenary sessions, techno-commercial case-study presentations, technology innovation panel debates,  and intimate end-user roundtable discussions, to drive awareness of recent successes and setbacks as well as stimulate new ideas to drive the deployment of the smart grid further faster.

Fig 1. Discover the latest features in PTP, NTP and IRIG-B testing

The multi-track format enables participants to fully immerse in the technical domain that is most relevant to their day-to-day responsibilities, whilst being able to pick and choose sessions from other tracks to enhance their working knowledge of other domains. By bringing multiple smart grid technical teams together under one roof, IT-OT integration is not only explored, it is facilitated and promoted to help drive the next phase of smart grid deployments with greater ease.

Fig 2. Visit us to see the latest achievements in network clocks.

During the event

We will be happy to show you our Net.Time a family of PTP/NTP/PRP/IRIG-B synchronization clocks, as well xGenius and Zeus a family of testers prepared for network commissioning and maintenance the communications of the WAN the electrical substations including legacy and IEC 61850 standards such as PTP, NTP, SyncE, IRIG-B, E1/T1… up to 10 Gb/s.

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