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  • ANWERP OCT/31/2023

    Net.Time can now access the L1 and L5 GNSS bands for signal tracking. This feature has key benefits including improved accuracy, better resilience, redundancy and anti-jamming and anti-spoofing strategies.

  • ANTWERP OCT/30/2023

    The International Time and Sync Forum one of the world' largest timing and sync event and a who’s who of the timing and sync community. Good opportunity to meet ALBEDO and know pioneering solutions as PTP/NTP/IRIGB Testers, Clocks and WAN emulators.

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  • RIYADH OCT/3-5/2023

    Meet ALBEDO at the 5th edition of Intersec that will host over 200 exhibitors, with the presence of key government leaders, agencies and heads with outstanding world-class speakers, innovative products, technology & solutions across all key sectors.

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  • CAIRNS SEPT/4-7/2023

    Join ALBEDO in Cairns, Queensland, Australia. CIGRE, a global technical forum, is organising this symposium which will focus on the integrated power system and its transformation through new technologies such as IEC-61850.

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    The UTCAL Summit 2023 promotes the meeting of Public Utility Concessionaires with Regulators, Government, Research Centers, Entrepreneurs, Industry, Suppliers and the main national and international experts.

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  • VANCOUVER BC - March.13/15.23

    ALBEDO will participate in the North America’s Premier Timing & Sync Event WSTS is a vendor-neutral technology workshop that will address evolving sync requirements, as well as the roll-out of new systems and how affect industries and manufacturers.

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