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  • BARCELONA JUNE.11.2024

    Net.Time Ω is a modular 4-port GbE clock (TCXO/OCXO/Rb) that meets most industry requirements for WAN or LAN timing. Supports PTP (Telecom & Power), NTP, PRP, ToD, PPS, IRIG-G-B, DCF77, SyncE, MHz, T1/E1, ASCII, Alarms (Electronic & Mechanic relays)

  • ZARAGOZA APR.08.2024

    This is a XGSPON/GPON analyser that captures and interprets PLOAM and OMCI data, extracts user traffic at Ethernet layer, measures optical power and detect and report line fault. Ideal for PON installation, ONT/OLT certification and troubleshooting.

  • MICHIGAN MAY/02/2023

    GOOSE Auditor displays the IED topology and analyzes the GOOSE protocol to identify where problems occur in real time, monitoring communication and providing engineers with clear indications of status changes and message alerts.

  • MIAMI 10.01.23

    xGenius and Zeus can simulate TDM network dynamics by generating impairments on a line that controls the C37.94 protection protocol. It is essential to test the impact these errors may cause in the lab or the field.

  • BARCELONA 01.05.23

    Net.Time φ is compatible with the PTP Utility Profile (IEC 61850-9-3) and PRP (IEC 62439-3). These protocols are great when they work together offering the failsafe, accurate timing over required in digital substation applications.

    White Papers
  • MIAMI OCT/12/2022

    Net.Time Ω is a modular clock suitable for many industriies willing to integrate under the same architecture any combination of timing protocols including PTP, NTP, PRP, ToD, PPS, IRIG-B, DCF77, SyncE, MHz, T1/E1 and ASCII outputs.
