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ALBEDO TELECOM announces the release of a new software for the Net.Time φ, Net.Time Ω and Net.Time τ PTP and NTP grandmasters.
PARIS AUG-23-2024
This paper analyzes critical parameters that must be provided by an optical link based on MPLS-TP to satisfy the demand of protection schemes. Impedance protection is sensitive to latency while differential require symmetry that must be assured.
While the fundamentals of the power grid remain, digital technologies have transformed its operation, leading to the development of a smarter, more efficient and resilient grid. Let's look at how new communications are being deployed and tested.
Net.Time Ω is a modular 4-port GbE clock (TCXO/OCXO/Rb) that meets most industry requirements for WAN or LAN timing. Supports PTP (Telecom & Power), NTP, PRP, ToD, PPS, IRIG-G-B, DCF77, SyncE, MHz, T1/E1, ASCII, Alarms (Electronic & Mechanic relays)
ALBEDO TELECOM announces the release of a new software for the Net.Time φ, Net.Time Ω and Net.Time τ PTP and NTP grandmasters.
ANWERP OCT/31/2023
Net.Time can now access the L1 and L5 GNSS bands for signal tracking. This feature has key benefits including improved accuracy, better resilience, redundancy and anti-jamming and anti-spoofing strategies.